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Eileen Chao, MA


Eileen Chao (she/her) is a queer, cisgender, kinky, polyamorous, Taiwanese American somatic sex coach. She is also a Certified Surrogate Partner and Certified Sexological Bodyworker. The scope of her practice focuses on helping her clients claim their authentic body, gender, and sexuality away from oppressive systems and cis hetero normativity. 

She works with clients on becoming more embodied, nervous system regulation, and cultivating a sense of curiosity and creativity with sexuality and bodies. She also offers kink education/exploration, and communication and intimacy skills. You can learn more at

Carlene Ostedgaard


Our body is a valuable resource that can help us expand our creativity and the depth of our relationships. This reality can feel scary, but it is actually a beautiful opportunity for creativity and deeply meaningful relationships. Carlene relies on diverse modalities and life experiences to help folks access this innate wisdom to deepen their erotic and intimate connections with themselves and others. It is her passion to facilitate the personal growth and evolution that arises naturally in this context.

Katherine Yeagel


Katherine Yeagel (all pronouns) is a surrogate partner, somatic sex educator, and queer sex & relationship coach. I live in Western Massachusetts on Nonotuck and Pocomtuc land. When I’m not thinking, talking, and learning about sexual healing, I spend a lot of time in the woods with my dog, practicing fiddle, and making challah.

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Andrew Heartman: Co-Founder


Andrew (he/him) is an interpersonal relationship consultant specializing in recovery from trauma and a thought leader in the field of Surrogate Partner Therapy. He has been practicing as a surrogate partner for 14 years, and regularly shares the wisdom of his experience by mentoring surrogate partners in training, and by presenting to university classes, therapist organizations, and the general public about Surrogate Partner Therapy. He's committed to revitalizing SPT as a relevant and important healing modality, to increasing diversity (of both practitioners and clients), and to raising standards within the profession. More at

Given my social location and privilege as a white, able-bodied, neurotypical, cisgender, heterosexual man, I acknowledge that my perspectives are limited and that some of my ways of thinking, writing, speaking, and teaching may be harmful to others. As part of my personal intention to contribute to structural change, I’ve been actively educating myself about racial equity for 5 years and LGBTQ+ equity for decades. I am committed to dismantling my own (mostly subconscious) investments in patriarchy, white supremacy, heterosexism, and even capitalism.

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